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Monday, 23 November 2015

Vitamin C Mencegah Stroke

Ada banyak bukti bahawa diet tinggi antioksidan yang kaya buah dan sayuran membantu menangkal penyakit kardiovaskular .

Namun beberapa kajian penting menunjukkan bahawa mereka dengan tahap tertinggi vitamin C dalam tubuh mereka berada pada risiko paling rendah untuk mengalami stroke 
( terutama pada wanita ) .

Salam Sayang dari Tira

Shaklee Simpang Renggam

SID : 1115221
Whatsapp Saya : 019-7700957
Cari saya di FB : A'thirah Aider

Kepentingan Vitamin C Untuk Ibu-Ibu Mengandung

💞 Ia tidak dihasilkan dengan sendirinya dalam tubuh kita. Jadi perlu dapatkan daripada sumber makanan tambahan.

💞 Membantu mempertingkatkan kadar serapan zat besi yang sangat penting untuk pembentukan hemoglobin yang membawa oksigen dalam darah.

💞 Dapat mengelakkan ibu mengandung dari mengalami komplikasi ketika hamil seperti kelahiran bayi pramatang dan bayi yang tidak sihat.

💞 Untuk imunisasi dan penjagaan kulit. Perubahan hormon ketika mengandung mungkin ada ibu-ibu mengandung mengalami kulit berjerawat, kulit kusam dan sebagainya. Walaupun Vitamin C bersifat antioksidan, tetapi kadar antioksidannya tidak setinggi Vitamin E dan A.
Salam Sayang dari Tira

Shaklee Simpang Renggam

SID : 1115221
Whatsapp Saya : 019-7700957
Cari saya di FB : A'thirah Aider

5 Manfaat Utama Vitamin E

(1) Mencegah kedut (Anti-aging)

Vitamin E menghalang penghasilan kedut dengan menyekat kerosakan radikal bebas. Ia merawat kedutan dengan meningkatkan pengeluaran kolagen, tisu perantara yang menyimpan elastisiti kulit. Vitamin E juga merawat kedutan dengan menyokong dan mempercepatkan pertumbuhan semula sel kulit baru.

(2) Parut

Parut merupakan tisu kulit degil yang disebabkan oleh terbakar, luka lama, pembedahan dll. Vitamin E mencegah dan membantu penyembuhan parut kerana ia bertindak dari bawah permukaan kulit untuk menghalang radikal bebas. Radikal bebas boleh menghalang penyembuhan kulit . Kuasa antioksida yang kuat di dalam vitamin E juga membantu dalam pengeluaran kolagen, yang memberikan keanjalan kulit.

(3) Jeragat

Jeragat pada kulit disebabkan oleh penuaan, kerosakan radikal bebas dan fungsi hati yang lemah. Vitamin E minyak menghalang dan pembaikan kerosakan radikal bebas. Apabila disapu kepada jeragat pada kulit, ia membantu melicinkan kulit kasar dengan pelincir membran sel dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan semula sel.

(4) Cuticles

Vitamin E adalah satu rawatan berkesan untuk cuticles yang kering dan retak. Vitamin E membantu kuku dan cuticles rehydrate dan melicinkan mereka serta mengelakkan retak masa depan.

Salam Sayang dari Tira

Shaklee Simpang Renggam

SID : 1115221
Whatsapp Saya : 019-7700957
Cari saya di FB : A'thirah Aider

Monday, 2 November 2015

Testimoni Vivix - International

Salam Sejatera.

Memang saya teruja bila nak berkongsi vivix. Mana tak nya, banyak kes-kes yang saya katakan AJAIB (dengan izin Allah jua). Saya pernah jumpa pesakit buah pinggang kronik yang doktor cakap dah takde harapan sembuh (stage 5), kemudian minum vivix, Alhamdulillah buah pinggangnya ada improvement - tak perlu dialisis dah.

Saya pernah jumpa in person dengan orang yang ada masalah jantung yang dah plan lagi 2 bulan nak operation, lepas tu doktor postpone operation lagi 2 bulan kemudian cancel operation sbb jantungnya ada improvement. Jumpa inperson seorang anak yang ayahnya kena stroke, dah cakap pun tak faham, jalan pun langgar semua orang dan dinding - lepas 2 bulan consume, alhamdulillah kembali normal.

Kes diabetic banyak sangat, gula setinggi 28 pun boleh turun. Mata dah tak nampak sebab diabetic pun boleh nampak semula dengan jelas. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. Mak mertua saya sendiri kes diabetic - Alhamdulillah gula dah paras normal.

Jumpa inperson yang orang ni pernah eksiden sakit ngilu sebelah badan dari sekolah smpai dewasa, dah cuba macam-macam supplement tak ok. Consume vivix alhamdulillah hilang sakit ngilu tu.

Yang menyembuh itu Allah. Kita wajib berusaha. Dan dapatkan supplement terbaik adalah satu usaha!

Cerita di atas cerita pengalaman yang pernah saya jumpa dan hari ini saya kongsikan pengalaman mereka di luar negara. Mereka ini telah menderita sakit-sakit kronik. Namun selepas mengambil vivix, hidup mereka berubah.

Alzheimer’s – Research Data

According to Dr. Phillip Marenbought, Neuro biologist researcher, Resveratrol may help remove amyloid the substance that builds up into harmful plaque in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. Resveratrol promotes a

pathway that facilitates the clearance of the building block for plaque formation. Resveratrol cleared the amyloid away. Peter Daves hopes to use Resveratrol as a drug to prevent Alzheimer’s. He says, “This is a potentially protective compound that could be given at age 40+ to start to protect against thedevelopment of Alzheimer’s.”

I say why wait . . we have VIVIX now!!!


Blood Pressure - Elevated

I have high blood pressure that is controlled by a diuretic and beta blocker combination medication. Usually even with medication my systolic ranges between 129-138 and my diastolic between 75-83, and my pulse would range anywhere from 80-91 (rarely dropping below80.)

After five days on Vivix, my blood pressure was 111/69 and pulse 59. Vivix is the only thing different

that I have been doing, prior to this low reading. The past few days, my BP is holding consistently at around 122/73 and my pulse is 70. That’s pretty pleasing to me. I hope to eventually come off all medications. I do supplement with magnesium and CoQ10 to counteract the nutritional deficiencies that can be caused by medication. I have not been on any other medications, not changed

my diet and my exercise is still around 7500 steps a day with some light resistance workouts with 5 lb. weights. Overall I seem to have more energy and am better able to concentrate. I recommend that you take Vivix in the morning so you can get the benefit of more energy throughout the day. Genia Powell


Basel Cell Carcinoma (Skin Cancer) and Diabetes

In October of 2007, I was diagnosed with Basel Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer) on my left shin. The dematologist cut and scraped it out, and asked to see me again in six months. In July of 2008, the lesion had not healed, and appeared to be even larger. We scheduled asurgical procedure to remove the entire lesion, including as deep as needed and excising healthy skin all the way around (about the size of a quarter). In August, I began Vivix. Four weeks later, I went in for the surgery and the cancer was completely gone! I’ve been a dedicated

Shaklee nutrition user for many years, and Vivix was the only difference in my supplement program.

Ed has been diabetic for many years and on insulin for anumber of them. He has struggled for a long time to get his A1C levels below 7 (these levels are measured every 6 months, are more important than the daily blood sugar levels in determining how well you are managing your disease). After 4 weeks on Vivix, his regular check-up indicated his A1C levels had dropped from 7.2 to 6.6.

We’re expecting even better results at the next checkup!

Ann & Ed Mangelsen


Cancer Story

Let me relate a story I heard today about a woman who had cancer 10 years ago, who refused chemo, and decided to go the natural route using Shaklee and other alternative approaches. She has done extremely well for many years. When Vivix came out, her friend told her about it.. She sent the information to her doctors. Normally, they would send her an e-mail response, but not this time! They called her, and told her to, “not walk, but RUN to get this product, and start taking it right away. Lorri Kruescher


Colitis Symptoms – Gone In 8 Days

I suffered for many years from ulcerative colitis a painful inflammatory condition of the intestine. I

watched my diet carefully, and added the Shaklee supplements that are important for healthy digestion along with the Vitalizer. My condition improved, but as soon as I would eat sugar or any gluten, I would suffer a great deal of pain again and have diarrhea. I began taking the VIVIX tonic and

noticed that day by day the inflammation and pain has been less, and all the symptoms associated with this disease were gone in 8 days. VIVIX has given me a great deal of energy, my brain works better and I feel younger. VIVIX has changed my life as I suffered for so many years. Thank God for

Shaklee!!! Donna Mathais


Diabetes Testimonial

As you know, I am a diabetic with all of the problems that go along with it. One of my greatest fears is losing my legs, as my grandfather lost his from diabetes. I

suffered severe neuropathy in both legs and feet. In addition to that, I had 3 stints put in my left leg last summer and was diagnosed PAD. I was experiencing severe leg cramps nightly. Hardly a night went by that Iwasn’t awakened by them and had to jump out of bed and walk around. This would happen several times anight. Since taking Vivix, I have not been awakened a single night with a leg cramp. So wonderful!! And,I can feel sensation in my toes again. They no longer feel like wooden appendages down there. Bless Shaklee and Vivix! I now experience full nights of restful sleep. Cathi S. Lindall, CPA



I am a medical transcriptionist; I have diverticulitis, which had become burdensome to say the least. I have been using Shaklee products and I know they are good. A week ago today I started taking one teaspoon of Shaklee’s new product, VIVIX. During the past week I have not had any episodes of explosive symptoms, no left-sided pain or cramps. I do believe it is safe to say the VIVIX is helping. Mary Ann Tregnago


Eyesight Improves

Hi. I can send more details if you want, but my sister, who is a wildlife artist, told me yesterday that she didn't need her reading glasses as much when she is painting up close in detail!


Focus Improved

I began using the Vivix Saturday morning and by Monday noticed a marked improvement in my ability to focus on one task at a time through the day. This has always been an issue for me; beginning on thing after another and having difficultly completing any. Even with using Mental Acuity, I still had some degree of difficulty. I’m absolutely amazed that I have been so clear-headed, focus and energetic this week. Susan Stephens


Metabolism - Higher with Vivix

My VIVIX testimonial is that is seems to have increased my metabolism! I seem to be able to eat more like a regular person and still stay thin (in fact I've lost about 3 pounds), instead of eating like a bird and working out all the time! One of the David Sinclair videos on You Tube shows him saying that the ingredients seemed to offset obesity in laboratory rats even on a high calorie diet! I'm definitely not on a high calorie diet, but like I said, I seem to be able to actually eat regular amounts now. Love it, Barbara Heller


Pain and Age Spots

Although I’ve been on an excellent anti-inflammatory supplement and diet program for over 10 years, I’ve still had some aches and pains that just haven’t gone away. I’ve been using VIVIX for about two weeks now (since itcame out) and have had tremendous relief of all the achy pains that used to plague me! I’m especially relieved not to have pain around the arthritic bone spurs I have on the joints of my spine and hands. This is a blessing in and of itself. However the otherday, I got a phone call from a friend of mine who started using VIVIX when I did. She said her age spots were going away. “What!!! Hold the phone,” I said. It looked like mine were lighter, too! Now several days later, I can say for certain that some of my spots are gone and the rest are much lighter. I bet they’ll be gone within a week. I’m also noticing much more energy and I’ve been sleeping better (les pain). Better sleep, more energy, no pain and no spots!!! Hip Hip Hooray for Shaklee. Dr. Sandy Bevacqua


No Pain, and Disappearing Age Spots

Before going on a 2000+ mile driving road trip, we were at our farm in Wisconsin. While there my on, and I worked to get things prepared for the fall. Besides that, we are building a Norwegian Stabbur on our farm and we had 122 – 16 ft X 6 inch boards left to finish. So, we also stained, varnished and I lifted those 122 finished knotty pine boards up into the loft of our Stabbur. My son was really worried about me keeping on so hard, because he knows that after working like that I can’t sleep for a couple of days because of the pain. Well, I am here to report that I had no pain or sleepless nights and even drove a couple hundred miles to our destination that evening, after doing all that work.



When I heard people talking about their age spots disappearing on their hands I was pleasantly surprised to find that some of mine are gone and some are so light you can’t hardly see them. The only thing I have done different is VIVIX and I have been faithful to my Shaklee supplements for 38 years. Joyce Hoffmann


No More Pain Meds

Tom and I have been on Vivix for 1 week and 2 days and after about 5 days, Tom noticed that his ankles no longer hurt. He had broken them both as a youth playing sports. Tom is 65 and arthritis hit his ankles this year. He had to get up and take pain meds so he could sleep. After taking Vivix for just 5 days he no longer needs pain meds to sleep. Nancy Douglas


PSA - Reduction of High Scores

"After going to my doctor for a normal yearly exam where he did some blood tests on 8-15-08, I found out that my PSA scores were high at 4.9. At that time, I was taking Shaklee's Vitalizer and Soy Protein. So my doctor wanted additional blood tests to be taken as I had experienced high PSA levels back in 2005 when I was 51 years old. So on 9-11-08, the PSA levels jumped to 8.2, and on 9-18-08, they jumped again to 9.1. So after consulting with my sister, who is a Shaklee distributor, I added the following Shaklee supplements to my above-mentioned daily routine on 9- 12-08: Vivix, NutriFeron, Saw Palmetto, and Immunity Formula I to boost up my immune system. I was scheduled for a follow-up visit with my doctor on 9-29-08, and he wanted to do 12 biopsies. However, I wanted one last blood test before that appointment, which was taken on 9-26-08. Those blood tests showed a drop in my PSA levels to 6.9, which the nurse said was highly unusual. So now I am continuing to take Vivix and the above mentioned Shaklee supplements, exercise, and loose some weight by eating lots of vegetables, fish, soy protein, and low-fat meals, and I have a follow-up appointment the end of October. My doctor also put me on an antibiotic because of an infection that I was fighting. So thank you Shaklee and Vivix!!! John G.

9-30-08 Follow-up after my 10-28-08 doctor appointment: Today mu PSA scores had dropped down from a high of 9.1 on September 18th to a low of 3.4 in just 6 weeks! Plus, my free PSA scores of 28.8% are the highest I have ever received since I started having prostate problems in 2005. As I started Vivix on 9-12- 08, my doctor was amazed at these rapid changes in my PSA scores. He said that "something was going on,"and I educated him on what changes I had made and the benefits of Shaklee's supplements and Vivix! Nowhe doesn't want to see me for another 6 months! Plus, he said that the chances of this being cancer is under 5% whereas a month ago he said that it was around 20%.In addition to the changes in my PSA scores, I am noticing an improvement in my vision. Plus, I do a lot of climbing on ladders for my work, and the pains in my knees have lessened as well. So, once again, Shaklee has risen to the occasion and made a huge difference in my health! I would also like to personally thank Dr. Sandy Bevacqua for the suggestions she gave my sister on which Shaklee supplements I should be taking, along with the life-style changes I needed to implement, to get immediate improvements in my blood tests. Her suggestions, and of course Vivix which was at the top of that list, definitely worked!Now I understand why Dr. Sandy recommends Shaklee's products over all the other brands of supplements. Her findings are that people who use Shaklee products get the fastest changes (RESULTS) in their blood chemistry levels. I can definitely concur with her findings in my case. To me and my doctor, six weeks is a short amount of time to get these types of amazing results! So thank you Shaklee for creating Vivix and all your other great health-improving products! I am a true believer in Shaklee. -- John G. 10-28-08


Rotator Cuff Torn

“Tears come to my eyes as I write this. Shaklee has brought out a product that is unlike anything I ave ever seen. Two years ago I fell and tore my left rotator cuff and ripped the ligament off the bone in my left thumb (Iam left-handed). Three months later the doctor operated on the thumb and re-attached the ligament to the bone. Six months after that, my other doctor operated on my shoulder. When I woke, he told me that when he got in there he found “frozen shoulder” so he cleaned up the area a little, but wanted me to use the arm immediately or I would never get full range out of it again. Two years later I still have pain in my shoulder and it hurts to lift it totally straight to my ear. My thumb is always sore and the joint is swollen at the knuckle and also hurts in the joint above it. I have been on Vivix for a week now. I was driving down to see one of our daughters who is in college when I realized that my thumb did not hurt and that the joint was not swollen! I almost ran off the road I was so startled with this realization. This was two years of discomfort that I thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life. (At 57 that was not something I looked forward to). I can’t wait to see what else Vivix restores in me! Remember, it works at the cellular level. I have already noticed that my fingers don’t feel so “tight” in the morning when I wake up. Praise God & thank you Shaklee!!” Lynn S., from Georgia


Stroke Recovery

A massive stroke 3 1/2 years ago (doctors attribute to my irregular heartbeat-- I believe it was stress) attacked my right brain (& basil ganglia)leaving my left side totally unavailable and the right brain majorly stressed, reactive,& depressed. Never totally giving up, taking handfuls of Shaklee supplements, exercising, listening to motivational cd's, getting Brain Gym balances, regular chiropractic care, etc., my progress was evident to those who knew me, including my doctors. But what they didn't see was the exhaustion and struggle it took. Then along came Vivix, August 15, less than 6 weeks ago. First I thought it was probably the placebo effect, but today I can tell you a few of the things I KNOW have changed. BALANCE--so bad in the past that one of the many falls landed me under my rolling car, crushing my right leg, though not the bone. My balance has improved so muchI now climb stairs, carrying something in EACH hand, and not even holding onto the rail. ENERGY--so different now I can do 30 minutes on the treadmill, noting my improved heart rate &; instead of having to take a nap, I take off to do errands, deliver Shaklee and attend a Spanish Class – in which I am much more focused.FOCUS -- Always ADD and hypoglycemic, worse since numerous car wrecks in the 80's & the more recent stroke. I am experiencing now more blood sugar balance and longer attention spans--just finished reading a whole book in a couple of days and, most assuredly, I am making an A in the Spanish class (where my classmates & teacher are @ 1/3 my age).So I would say my mental acuity and memory are enhanced as well! ATTITUDE--OH MY GOSH! I woke up this morning, likemost others since starting on this magical stuff, full of vitality & optimism, and HAPPY. LIFE IS GOOD! Thank you, God! Thank you Shaklee! I have my life back, better than ever! Sylvia Sue Greene – Sept 2008


Tremor Is Gone

My brother-in-law who is 75, and recently had some physical problems, got a strong tremor of his right hand. He started VIVIX - - his only Shaklee product - - and within a few days his tremor is gone and he is writing normally again. He is duly impressed and thankful. Linda Dietz

Tremors – Inherent Essential Reduced

I am 72 years old and have had essential tremors since my early 30’s. The shaking and tremors became so bad that I had to quit my job as a lab technician in 1989. When I was in high school, I could type 60 words a minute. For the past 15 years in order to type, I had to hold my right index finger with my left hand and type one key at a time. At times, the tremors were so pronounced that I had difficulty eating and drinking, but I made a pretty good “tossed salad.” I have faithfully use Shaklee supplements since November of 1998 and added the Vitalizer when it was introduced. I also take CoQ Heart twice daily along with the B-Complex. There was very little improvement. I started taking VIVIX on August 23rd. In a week and a half, I noticed the tremors/shaking had lessened.

Now, after THREE WEEKS OF VIVIX, mytremors/shaking are minimal. I have to learn to use my hands again – I have to learn to type again with all of my fingers. I was hoping a change might occur in two to three months on VIVIX, but NEVER expected these results in three weeks. Anne Campbel Sumber

~ A'thirah Aider ~

I'm Young Entreprenuer

Credit to : Master Laila Mukhtar

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Petua Hilangkan "STRECHMARK" selepas bersalin

Stretchmarks merupakan tanda parut berupa urat-urat putih yang muncul pada permukaan kulit dan biasanya muncul pada bahagian perut, lengan, pinggul, paha, punggung dan juga payudara.
Stretchmark terjadi adalah disebabkan oleh pengaruh hormon kehamilan, yang mana ianya terbentuk apabila terjadi regangan kulit secara cepat hingga merosakkan jaringan tisu-tisu kulit sehingga kulit mengalami regangan secara berlebihan.
Pengambilan Vitamin E yang konsisten boleh menghilangkan parut dan stretchmark bersalin ini.
Ini kerana Vitamin E adalah antioksidan yang kuat yang akan menembusi lapisan kulit anda dan membantu proses penyembuhan luka semula jadi semasa membuang parut di atasnya.
~ A'thirah Aider ~


I'm Young Entreprenuer


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Kalsium Penting untuk Kesihatan Tulang

Kita memerlukan kalsium yang cukup setiap hari bagi menghalang osteoporosis, menguatkan kuku, kerangka, gigi dan menyokong sistem saraf.

Ia juga penting dalam merawat tulang yang retak, osteomalacia (rickets dewasa), kuku rapuh, eczema, kekejangan, gusi berdarah dan merangsang darah untuk memekat.

OsteMatrix membekalkan nutrien-nutrien harian termasuk kalsium yang dapat membantu dalam pembentukan dan penjagaan tulang dan gigi. 

Ia juga mengandungi magnesium, vitamin D dan mineral zink, tembaga dan manganese untuk membantu dalam memelihara kesihatan yang baik. 

Tablet yang bersaiz kecil dan disalut licin ini juga mudah ditelan. Tidak berbau dan sesuai untuk mereka yng tidak suka minum susu.

~ A'thirah Aider ~

I'm Young Entrepreneur

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Pengambilan Vitamin E Mencegah 80 Jenis Penyakit

Menurut satu kajian, pengambilan Vitamin E sebenarnya dapat membantu mencegah sehingga 80 jenis penyakit...

Rata-rata mereka yang memilih Vitamin E adalah disebabkan manfaat yang mereka perolehi seperti...

1. Melambatkan penuaan: Antioksidan yang tinggi dalam Vitamin E mampu melambatkan proses penuaan pada mereka yang mengamalkannya
2. Membantu mengurangkan kesan regangan atau stretchmark akibat kehamilan dan kegemukan lalu.
3. Pencegahan penyakit katarak
4. Mencegah penyakit jantung
5. Melindungi struktur membran daripada rosak
6. Mengekalkan struktur paru-paru, hati dan membran sel darah merah
7. Membantu melancarkan peredaran darah
8. Membantu memelihara pembekuan darah yang normal dan penyembuhan
9. Mengurangkan parut(boleh disapu pada tempat parut)
10. Mengendurkan otot kaki dari kekejangan
11. Meningkatkan pengeluaran air mani
12. Mengekalkan kesihatan saraf dan otot
13. Menguatkan dinding kapilari
14. Mengurangkan tekanan darah
15. Membantu mengekalkan  kecergasan dan meningkatkan prestasi atlit
16. Kulit dan rambut menjadi sihat
17. Mencegah anemia
18. Mengurangkan risiko kanser prostat di kalangan penghisap rokok
19. Memperlahankan perkembangan penyakit Alzheimer atau nyanyuk
20. Membantu menghilangkan parut, jerawat, jeragat dan tompok hitam
21. Membantu kesuburan(termasuk dalam set kesuburan Shaklee) dan mengelakkan keguguran
22. Merapatkan hubungan suami isteri@Vitamin Cinta
23. Membantu mencegah "retrolental fibroplasia", sejenis gejala mata yang boleh menjangkiti bayi pramatang.
24. Sangat membantu dalam rawatan "premenstrual syndrome" dan penyakit fibrocystic buah dada.
25. Mengandungi grape seed atau biji anggur yang juga penting dalam pencegahan kanser dan penyakit kardiovaskular.

Banyak sungguh kan manfaat yang diperolehi.... Sehari hanya ambil 1 biji je.. Mudah...

Salam Sayang dari Tira

Shaklee Simpang Renggam

SID : 1115221
Whatsapp Saya : 019-7700957
Cari saya di FB : A'thirah Aider

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